Six-Figure Settlements for Client Homes Damaged by Nearby Development

Development in the city is a constant presence in many neighborhoods, but another home’s improvement should never have a negative impact on your own property.

In two very recent cases, clients had homes badly damaged by development on adjoining properties. One involved fire, the other a partial building collapse. Both resulted in minor physical injuries but large property damage. Our personal injury practice chair Bill Davis obtained six-figure settlements for each client to cover not only the property damage done, but for their inconvenience, discomfort and the loss of the use of their home.

If you or someone you know has suffered serious property damage caused by the negligence of a builder, developer, or neighbor, please contact us.

We work every day to help victims of medical malpracticecar accidentsmotorcycle accidentstruck accidentswork injuriesslip and fall/trip and fall incidents, or because they were victims of crime and/or nursing home injury.